Friday 6 September 2013


The weather otday is terrible so the museum is pretty quiet. Decided to make the most of this by folding the paper for another dragon and actually making it!

It looks a little flat at this stage and always takes a lot of incentive to actually continue folding! I would love an origami paper folding machine to do it for me but sadly they haven't yet been invented... And so I do it myself. Anyway after a few hours folding and making the paper turns into this:

I changed the design of the dragon's body this time as the head was bigger than the body on previous designs. So the body in this dragon starts with an 8 base, gradually goes out to a 12 and back to an 8 again. I think it looks a lot better :)

Oh also, I got a share on the british crafters facebook page this morning with my strawberry dragon! I've been shared on there a few times but it's always exciting when it happens! If you haven't seen their page before and are a crafter (or even if you're not) then it's well worth a look as they post a theme each day which you submit a creation for from which they pick the best to go on their page for the day. People can then like and comment on the shares and the one with the most likes gets pinned to the top of the page at the end of the day! It hasn't happened with any of my creations yet but you never know!

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