Friday 30 August 2013

Dragons and Geishas

Dragons and Geishas

Had a busy couple of days making- decided I need to make at least one item a day until the anime convention so spent yesterday making another mario mushroom which I think has turned out well!

Here are the photos of the strawberry dragon as promised and also some of a blue dragon I made a little while ago- both going to the convention but can be made to order!

Today I have spent making a Geisha girl- the photos are very slow to upload however and I have to leave very soon so will attach that to my next post!
Also, exciting news!- I emailed craftseller magazine asking if I could be featured and they said they will include my letter in a future issue!- will be interesting to see how that turns out!

Anyway, have to go now!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Hello everyone!
Got a busy few weeks ahead as I'm preparing for Chibisunny- a daylong anime convention organised through sunnycon. Getting slightly stressed as I have loads to do but I'm sure I'll get there. Here are some photos of my work!

A Mushroom in its own little PVC Jute bag!- I love these bags- took me a while to find them but now I use them a lot!- they're ideal for holding the models and look great too!

A varied colour mushroom!

I invented this model a while ago- I did english literature and creative writing at uni and am a massive fan of alice in wonderland so when I created my bunny models I thought I must do the white rabbit. Also discovered I had some pocket watch necklace charms in my jewellery making stash which came in very handy!

The dragons have to be my favourite so far though!- I created this design after a craft fair I did in Hexham where a guy thought my swans were dragons and told me I should make some!- so glad I did. I also decided to varnish them as it gives them a nicer appeal and makes the colours tsand out more. Gloss Mod podge is amazing for that!- need to buy some more as I've almost run out!
I've made some other colour dragons too (including a strawberry one!) but don't have my camera with me to take photos. I'll do that another day!

I have made some other models but will shocase them another day. Right now it's time for model making (and lunch soon!) Going to make Ash Ketchum! Goodbye all!

Friday 23 August 2013

Hello, this is my first ever blog!
My name is Deborah and I work in our family museum in Haltwhistle, Northumberland- Mr George's Museum of Time. When I'm not busy there I love crafting and have recently set up Just So Studios. I make novelty crafts but my main craft is 3D Origami which I learnt from youtube tutorials!

I started by making other people's models but after a while started designing my own so that my things are unique and non-copyright!
The rabbits have been my biggest sellers and I love making them!